Saturday, May 31, 2008

Is summer finally here?

I think so. Even though it was something like 38 degrees F when I rode to work monday morning.
But the temperature trend is moving upwards!

Red Wing, MN 5/26/08

Just off of Harriet Island (map) a pretty chill duck, and a "roadie" 5/31/08

I Iike this view of downtown St. Paul....

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bike Week

It's great that more people are commuting by bike and all, but damn, I couldn't even find a spot on the rack this morning.

With crude over $120/barrel, and expected to surpass $200, there'll only be more.

This is the first time i've seen someone locked up to the tree....

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Saturday May 17th

Debate on 2008 Presidential Elections
With city councilors Gary Schiff and Elizabeth Glidden, alongside Ty Moore of Socialist Alternative and Dave Bicking of the Green Party, discussing:

Should progressives support the Democratic nominee or vote Nader?
Can the Democrats be reformed, or is a new party for working people needed?

Saturday, May 17th
Walker (Uptown) Library Meeting Room
2880 Hennepin Ave S.

*** SPEAKERS ***
Elizabeth Glidden, City Councilor (Minneapolis Ward 8), Democratic Party supporter
Gary Schiff, City Councilor (Minneapolis Ward 9), Democratic Party supporter
Ty Moore, Organizer for Socialist Alternative, Nader Campaign activist
Dave Bicking, Green Party activist and Cynthia McKinney Campaign supporter

The 2008 elections are reflecting the widespread demand for "change," but many remain skeptical that the Democrats can deliver. Can the influence of big business campaign contributors be broken, allowing the anti-war, pro-worker politics of the Democratic base guide policy in Washington? Or is the Democratic Party too corrupted by corporate cash? Should progressive workers and youth break with the two-parties of big business, support independent campaigns like Nader's and struggle to build a broad based anti-war, pro-worker party? Come to this important discussion on May 17th, hear ideas being shut out of the corporate media, and join in the debate.

Forum sponsored by Socialist Alternative
For more information: |

Monday, May 5, 2008

May Day Parade

A celebration of theatre, Labor, and community activism. with advertising for a few crooked politicians to boot....

that bear was pretty cool, the little girl on top probably could have used a hat though

I think this one was called, "the gas gage"

that'd make for some sweet wall art...dont think Steph would quite go for it though.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Well, I wanted to escape the facebook/myspace world, and this is how I've decided to do it. I think it'll work nicely for letting friends and family communicate about upcoming events (cycle pub crawls, shows {art, music}, demonstrations) and whatever else seems to suit our fancy. All without having to sign up or be a 'member'. And i'll still be able to share photos through this and Flickr.

I'll do my best to keep it interesting and current.

Toodles for now,


Resources Map

The content on this will be changing regularly. So check back often. I've been asked a number of times what route I take to eagan. Here it is!
View Larger Map