Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Couple Nice Little Saturdays

this was taken last saturday after I picked up a few pieces for the rack i'm putting together for steph's car.

On the way back from "minneapplenuts" I stopped at the liquor store on Marshall ave where the previous week they had claimed that Surly was done brewing Coffee Bender for the year. I decided to check again just in case because this was the only place I'd seen CB in cans, and ended up buying 3 of the 4 they had in their cooler. I didnt want to horde it all ;)

Spent the past three nights at the Xcel watching the WCHA final five. Its been fun, but not cheap beer-wise for christsake. $6.75 for a Summit EPA, $6 for the pee-ale (miller lite, etc).

Friday night after the game some fred called me lance, and about three blocks later a Fast and the Furious fan club member chucked a can at me from their window as they passed. Tried to catch them at the light, but they sped away. There's only happened two or three times over the past couple years, but it still kind of pisses me off. It will very much piss me off when they do hit me. I actually hope I dont catch up to them, because if i do the headlines will read, "and the situation deteriorated quickly"

Swung by Firkin Fest at the Happy Gnome yesterday before the championship game between UMD and Denver. Perfect day for riding, microbrew, and hockey(?)....oh, Mn.

gotta run, the life-partners got a list o' chores for ye to do.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Louis C.K. - Why?

funny shit for your weekend

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Vatican hosts Darwin conference

By David Willey
BBC News, Rome

Pope Benedict XVI and clergy in Rome (25/01/2009)
The Catholic Church never condemned Darwin

The Vatican is sponsoring a five day conference to mark the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's Origin of Species.

The subject is the compatibility of evolution and creation.

It is one of two separate international academic conferences being sponsored by the Vatican this year.

They aim to re-examine the work of scientific thinkers whose revolutionary ideas challenged religious belief: Galileo and Charles Darwin.

Scientists, philosophers and theologians from around the world are gathering at the prestigious Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome to discuss the compatibility of Darwin's theory of evolution and Catholic teaching.

Christian churches were long hostile to Darwin because his theory conflicted with the literal biblical account of creation.

But the Catholic Church never condemned Darwin, as it condemned and silenced Galileo.

Pope John Paul II said that evolution was "more than a hypothesis".

The design of organisms is not what would be expected from an intelligent engineer
Prof Francisco Ayala

Yet as recently as 2006 a leading Catholic Cardinal, Christoff Schoenborn, of Vienna, a former student and friend of Pope Benedict XVI caused controversy by saying that Darwin's theory of natural selection was incompatible with Christian belief.

A leading American scholar of biology, Prof Francisco Ayala, plans to tell the conference that the so-called theory of intelligent design, proposed by Creationists, is flawed.

"The design of organisms is not what would be expected from an intelligent engineer, but imperfect and worse," he said.

"Defects, dysfunctions, oddities, waste and cruelty pervade the living world".

Monday, March 2, 2009


Introducing Mr. Randall's newly-singled schwinn "something-or-another"

(ps I know thats not the best way to run the tensioner, but for the moment we're using 17 and 20 tooth freewheels, and the difference is too great to run it in the 'push up' position. i just found an 18 tooth on CL for $6, so hopefully we'll score than and this thing'll be ready for some sweet single track and derby action....something K is known for)

we picked up the wheels and singleator super cheap at the swap, a freewheel from hurlio, with a chainring, stack bolts, v-brakes, cable housing, bars and a little blood, sweat, and tears from me and voila!
(chain, cables and pads from the FW)

its by far lighter than anything in my garage, which means its going to be even harder too keep up with this guy.

and in case you haven't born witness....

here is the new baby......

to date, the cranks, bottom bracket, rings, pedal, seat, seatpost, tape, and "brifters" have all been upgraded.

though its already evident that the tape wont be staying white for very long......

wheels are on the wishlist, as are some panaracer fire-cross 45's

Sunday, March 1, 2009


sweet, its back!

There are two handsome studs by the names Kelly and Collin in this shot from last years show....

can you see them? should try and come up for this.

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The content on this will be changing regularly. So check back often. I've been asked a number of times what route I take to eagan. Here it is!
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