Tuesday, October 20, 2009

right smack dab on the head....

is where this is... read it (if you want)

got this ready for the Homie....
coming up in a couple weeks {unofficial flier}

been busy riding, doing this, that, another thing (more pix *not mine), and this...

and this (pix *j & i are in there 3 times, can you find waldo?)

try and stay dry this week.

Monday, October 12, 2009


... wish i had worn them today. it may only be mid-october, but it looks like late november.

thinking i may get a whistle, had one truck and one car pull out in front of me on my way in this morning.

Resources Map

The content on this will be changing regularly. So check back often. I've been asked a number of times what route I take to eagan. Here it is!
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