Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Couple Nice Little Saturdays

this was taken last saturday after I picked up a few pieces for the rack i'm putting together for steph's car.

On the way back from "minneapplenuts" I stopped at the liquor store on Marshall ave where the previous week they had claimed that Surly was done brewing Coffee Bender for the year. I decided to check again just in case because this was the only place I'd seen CB in cans, and ended up buying 3 of the 4 they had in their cooler. I didnt want to horde it all ;)

Spent the past three nights at the Xcel watching the WCHA final five. Its been fun, but not cheap beer-wise for christsake. $6.75 for a Summit EPA, $6 for the pee-ale (miller lite, etc).

Friday night after the game some fred called me lance, and about three blocks later a Fast and the Furious fan club member chucked a can at me from their window as they passed. Tried to catch them at the light, but they sped away. There's only happened two or three times over the past couple years, but it still kind of pisses me off. It will very much piss me off when they do hit me. I actually hope I dont catch up to them, because if i do the headlines will read, "and the situation deteriorated quickly"

Swung by Firkin Fest at the Happy Gnome yesterday before the championship game between UMD and Denver. Perfect day for riding, microbrew, and hockey(?)....oh, Mn.

gotta run, the life-partners got a list o' chores for ye to do.

1 comment:

CoalesceKid said...

Sorry about the can broseph, as it turns out the slack-jaws come out when its nice too.

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