Tuesday, July 14, 2009

2 months?!

After two months of 'nada', I'm hoping there aren't any grand expectations for what might be spouted on this here 'webloggery'.

summer's flying, but my cohorts and i have managed to do a decent job of avoiding the bummer life, if i may borrow the term.

there are a bunch of photos in the following...the climbing pics were stolen from Patty, the Bergman's, and Mrs Austin.
all the good photos from the Chippewa triathlon came from my buddy Tony.


Kelly demonstrating "how its done"

Steph laying it back

andrea (above) steve (below) - this ceiling/balcony/whatever gave us all trouble

Patricia not seeming terribly convinced

Kelly playing in the fire

Jared stomping it out

The next few are from the Chippewa Triathlon. Now, i'm no 'triathlete' by any stretch of the word, but a co-worker asked me if i'd like to do the bike portion as part of a relay. It sounded like a good time so I said "Sure!"

It turned out to be an awesome time, and we managed to take 3rd in our division (competitive relay). The "mountain bike" course had a bit of everything, which made for an exciting and challenging 28 mile ride. What made it even more challening was the rain we had gotten the night before, and sporadically during the race. Tons of mud, sand, some single track, about 9 miles of paved trail, most of which ran through the Chippewa National Forest.

Am hoping we get the same team back again next year.

i'll let the photos talk now....

This is the switch-off point between the canoe and bike portion of the race.
It was cool out, about 50, but that was for the best. I was so anxious i was taking a piss
about every 5 minutes.

The first canoers in

me coming into the bike finish... i dont think i was smiling.... the last 4 miles i had been chasing a dude i couldn't catch. my comp said i was going ~26 mph, and i wasn't gaining any ground. but after riding that hard through that gnarly of terrain for two hours, i shouldn't be too suprised.

this dude came in shortly after i did

washing off the 'check and her new wheels. rick was a bit nervous about me running
new parts for a race, but i told him we had nothing to worry about. Thanks Jim!

Tony taking off for the run

Tony finishing the 7 mile run in 46 minutes. it was the farthest he had ever run.

Rick enjoying the northern minnesota sun

gathering wood after the potluck

team Uncanny

And a random photo, just to remind you how awesome cargo bikes are.


ruinsinthedark said...

THIRD PLACE?! I didn't know that! Good job dude!

Kell said...

That Blue Mounds trip was awesome... and as I recall I didn't have to much trouble with that ceiling :p

Resources Map

The content on this will be changing regularly. So check back often. I've been asked a number of times what route I take to eagan. Here it is!
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